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The Public Health Emergency Rapid Response Team in collaboration with the Ho West District Assembly on Thursday 22nd June 2023, organized a community engagement in Dzogbefeme and Vane to investigate and institute control measures on alleged outbreak of pestilence in the area, which was reported on social media. The purpose of the engagement was to gather information, assess the situation, and determine the validity of the claims.

The meeting was attended by the District Chief Executive, the District Coordinating Director, the Medical Doctor of Kpedze Poly Clinic, Public Health Nurse, the District Disease Control Officer, District Health Promotion Officer, the District Nutrition Officer, the Sub District in charge of Avatime, the Disease Surveillance Focal Person of Vane Health Center, the District Environmental Health and Sanitation Officer, the District Information Officer, and the District Planning Officer.

In his opening address, Mr. Wisdom Kporngor, the District Coordinating Director, highlighted the purpose of the engagement and emphasized the importance of verifying the truth behind the alleged publication, conducting investigations, and finding a suitable resolution.

The District Chief Executive of Ho West, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau, reassured the community that there was no need to panic. He stressed the importance of waiting for the Health Directorate to assess the health implications of the insect bites and develop appropriate solutions, ensuring a well-informed response to the situation.

Hon. Clifford Akoto, the Assembly Member for Vane Electoral Area, acknowledged the presence of the insects in the community but stated that they were too small to spot. He mentioned that residents primarily experienced skin itching as a symptom and noted that the insect activity was more noticeable during the early morning hours from 5:00a.m to 9:00a.m and in the late afternoon from 4:00p.m onwards.

Mr. Seth Amegashi, the Health Promotion Officer, revealed that the Health Directorate had not received any official complaints regarding the alleged outbreak. However, he emphasized that the lack of complaints did not dismiss the concerns raised by the community. He provided education to the community on preventive measures to avoid insect bites, such as wearing long sleeves and trousers, avoiding sharing towels and sponges, maintaining a clean environment, and reporting any itching symptoms to the nearest health clinic.

He also indicated that the Directorate would conduct a community surveillance program to identify the species of the insects and any associated diseases, enabling appropriate action to be taken. This program would also help develop targeted interventions and precautionary measures to mitigate potential risks.

The Chief of Dzogbefeme, Okusie Adza-Bansah IX, expressed gratitude to the team for addressing the issue. He mentioned that the early morning biting pattern had led to increased absenteeism among pupils, as they were reluctant to wake up early to go to school. It had also slowed down the activities of farmers, and therefore, he called for the intervention of the Assembly and the Health Directorate.

The team later proceeded to Vane to engage with the community regarding the insect outbreak. They acknowledged the presence of the insects and their mode of operation. The community members were also educated on precautionary measures to prevent insect bites.

During the engagement, community members proposed several suggestions to address the issue. These included allowing pupils to wear school trousers and long sleeves for protection, fumigating the community, providing jackets or pullovers through NGOs, and conducting a thorough investigation to find lasting solutions to the insect bites.

After gathering the information, the team acknowledged the presence of the insects, but what was experienced on the ground did not match what was reported in the publication.

Source: Information Services Department (ISD), Ho West District


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